You can get your desired awesome listing items here by name, category or location. is a free online business promotion tool where you can search for local businesses in your city or out of your city. Since 2012 we are serving business listing under multiple domains. EzyTzy is a global place for all types of business. Primarily, we have started with IELTS Institutes in Ludhiana and Properties in Ludhiana, which is further going to be stretched all over the Punjab and in the whole of India. This service is free of cost for sole business owners and for those who want to add multiple locations, they need to pay a minor service fee that we will use to make this service better.
business only put your business public information which you want to display as a part of your business promotion. Such as business name, business location, contact numbers, description, images, website and emails etc. Do not share your private and personal information such as bank account, personal contacts etc. We do not ask for your bank account information or your credit card information. If you want to purchase a service from us, then we are using a secure payment gateway for that purpose that will handle all the payment process and do not pay anything to anyone.